
Duration of Programme

The whole course programme is of six (6) years duration divided into two main parts: Preclinical Sciences and Clinical Sciences, each of three (3) years duration. Those who are exempted as previously indicated are only exempted to parts of the pre-clinical. The duration of the clinical programme remains the same for all groups.
The Academic year of instruction and learning comprises two semesters with one short inter-semester break and a long inter-semester break during which students can take vacation sessions of College required electives/courses and supplementary/resit examinations.
The Academic year is from September to August with statutory breaks at Christmas, Easter and other statutory public holidays.

Preclinical Sciences

Each semester shall be of 18 weeks duration and will be structured as follows:

  • 15 weeks of Teaching
  • 2 weeks of Revision
  • 1 week of Examinations

Clinical Sciences

Each Semester shall be of between 21 to 25 weeks and will be structured as follows:

  • 17-21 weeks of Teaching
  • 2 weeks of Revision
  • 1-2 weeks of Examinations

Medical Programme Schedule Summary

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