Hostel Facilities

The college liaises with property owners to provide accommodation facilities which are close to the campus.

Options for accommodation include 1-in a room, 2 in a room furnished with the availability of electricity, water, shared kitchen and in some place’s internet access. The facilities are located at various places near the main ACM campus (< 10 kilometres).

Prices range from GHC 9,500 to GHC 16,000 for a year depending on the facility and the location. This price covers either one or both (water& electricity) utilities depending the facility.

There are also unfurnished apartments located close to the main ACM campus. These are either one-, two- or three-bedroom apartments with shared utilities and amenities. Prices start from GHC 8,000  a month.

Hostel Inquiry Form

For enquires regarding hostel availability and prices, kindly fill in all the fields.  The Facility Management team will contact you with further details soon. Thank you.

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